
Individual Play Therapy

Individual Play Therapy sessions are normally held at your child's school to ensure that things stay as normal as possible for your child and their routine is not interrupted too much.  I am happy to liaise with your child's school regarding this.  If your school is unable to provide a room then there are other alternatives available. 

Within the play therapy room children can choose between structured games and activities, messy play and imaginary play using a range of creative tools such as sand, clay, paint, puppets and music.   

Sessions normally last 50 minutes and cost £50. 

Filial Play Coaching

Filial Play Coaching involves working with a parent/carer to teach   them play therapy techniques to use with a child at home.  As the agent for change in this process,  the parent/carer has a very strong role to play, which can greatly improve the relationship with the child. 

This short course normally runs for 10 weeks and is particularly useful for fostered and adopted children.    It involves weekly attendance from the parent/carer, regular play sessions at home with your child and some play observation sesions together with your child.   

The cost for the course is £35 per week.


I am currently completing my training to become a PTUK and BAPT Certified Supervisor.    This means I can take on a small number of supervisees at a reduced cost until my training is completed.  

I currently have spaces available at Bristol Therapy Rooms, 10-12 Picton Street, Montpelier, Bristol BS6 5AQ  on a Thursday lunchtime.  Please contact me for further information.